šŸ“± Mobile Machine Learning

Text Classification In Android With TensorFlow Lite

Classifying text with TF Lite models in Android

Shubham Panchal
Towards Data Science
5 min readMay 1, 2019


Machine learning has proved to be excellent in some of the use cases like spam classification which weā€™ll perform in your Android application. Weā€™ll get started with it in Python, thatā€™s where we create our Classifier using Keras ( TensorFlow ).

This article assumes that you have preliminary knowledge regarding TensorFlow, text classification and Android app development.šŸ¤”

The RoadMap

  1. We create a classifier in Python using TensorFlow and Keras.
  2. Convert the Keras model to a TensorFlow Lite model
  3. Convert the Kerasā€™ tokenizer vocabulary to a JSON file.
  4. Load the TF Lite model and JSON file in Android.
  5. Perform inference on the model in the Android app.

I will be referring to various files of the GitHub repository of this project. You can open it alongside for a better learning experience.šŸ˜€

Python Project Repo -> https://github.com/shubham0204/Spam_Classification_TF

Android Project Repo -> https://github.com/shubham0204/Spam_Classification_Android_Demo

Letā€™s Start ( With Python First! šŸ˜ )

Exciting hearing ā€œPythonā€?

First, we need to parse the data from the CSV file using Pandas. Then we need to tokenize the messages, pad them and store them in NumPy arrays for training and testing. At last, we have the DataProcessor.py script generating 5 files. ( See DataProcessor.py file )

android / 
- word_dict.json
processed_data /
- x.npy
- y.npy
- test_x.npy
- test_y.npy

Wondering from where the word_dict.json file came in? You know that we require a tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer object to tokenize messages.

The Tokenizer maintains a Python dict object which has pairs for words and their indices. We convert this dict to a JSON file using :

Snippet 1

We can use the Tokenizer for converting texts to integer sequences. But, for inferencing in Android, we will need this vocabulary of words. Also, the code will output the max length of all the sequences. We will need this max length in Android.

We need to create a classifier in TensorFlow. If you are a seasoned ML developer, thatā€™s easy, right? ( See Model.py file )

Snippet 2

Note: activations.leaky_relu is a custom implementation and is not available in the official TensorFlow build. You can try using the LeakyReLU layer from tf.keras.layers.LeakyReLU.

We can easily achieve 86% accuracy šŸ˜Ž for the SMS Spam Collection Dataset by UCI Machine Learning on Kaggle.com. Next, we will save the trained Keras model to an h5py ( .h5) file. We can do this by calling the method :

model.save( 'models/model.h5' )

Now, for this model to be used on Android, we need to convert this file ( model.h5 ) to a TensorFlow Lite model. Thatā€™s easy šŸ˜… and also we can use post training quantization to reduce the modelā€™s size. ( See TFLiteBufferConverter.py file )

Snippet 3

The work in Python is complete. Now, we will only use the files listed under the android/ directory in Android. ( See the android/ directory )

- word_dict.json
- model.tflite

Creating the Android application ( Kotlin Now! )

First impressions with Kotlin

The Android application will classify the message as spam or not spam using the model we trained in Python. It will be a simple application with an EditText and a Button programmed in KotlinĀ šŸ˜¤.

Remember the GitHub Repo -> https://github.com/shubham0204/Spam_Classification_Android_Demo

Starting with a Project

  1. We create a simple Empty Project ( most probably in Android Studio )
  2. Choose Kotlin/Java as the coding language.
  3. Copy all the files which were present under the android/ directory in the Python project to your appā€™s assets folder. ( See assets/ folder )
  4. Add the TensorFlow Lite ( version 1.13.1 ) dependency in your build.gradle ( app-level )
dependencies {
// Other app dependencies
implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:1.13.1'

In your build.gradle ( app-level ), add these lines which would disallow the compression of .tflite files.

android {
buildTypes {
release {
aaptOptions {
noCompress "tflite"

Loading the vocabulary from the JSON file

We load the word_dict.json file from our appā€™s assets folder. We will parse it into a HashMap which contains word-index pairs. ( See Classifer.kt file )

Snippet 4

Now, we can get the indices that we used for training in Python from the words using the data HashMap.

Parsing such a huge JSON file on a Main ( UI ) thread isnā€™t a good practice as it may disturb other processes on the thread. So, we use Kotlin Coroutines to perform this task efficiently.

Tokenizing and Padding the texts

This task was performed in Python. But, as we tend to feed the tokenized and padded integer sequences to our model, we will code two methods to do this in Kotlin. ( See Classifer.kt file )

Snippet 5

this.maxlen has a value of 171. Remember right? Our Python project told us that the max length was 171 and we padded all the sequences to a length of 171. vocabData is the HashMap, which we loaded in the previous method.

Note, if the word does not exist in the vocabulary ( data HashMap ) šŸ˜” then we return an index of 0.

Loading the model from the assets folder

We load the model from the assets folder in the form of a MappedByteBuffer. ( See MainActivity.kt file )

Snippet 6

Classifying the message

Now, we assemble all the methods together to classify the message and print the results. ( See MainActivity.kt file )

Snippet 7


Thereā€™s more!

Thatā€™s All. Tired Right?šŸ˜“

Thatā€™s awesome!

Hope you find the blog interesting. For any suggestions and queries, feel free to express them in the comments section.

TensorFlow and Android could just become šŸ‘«

Thank You.šŸ˜€

